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Doris Fons, a master gardener since the late 1990s, said the key is that gardeners need to think of their green spaces as habitats, not just places to plant flowers. "Most gardeners don't consider all the aspects that butterflies, bees and birds need to have," she said. "They need a habitat and a food source." Neil Diboll, president of Prairie Nursery in Westfield, said gardeners also should toss their chemicals. "If you spray chemicals in your yard when your flowers are blooming — even when they're not blooming — you can kiss your bees and butterflies goodbye," he said. Diboll, who specializes in native plants for prairies, woodlands and wetlands, said chemicals not only kill bugs we consider problematic, but they also kill insects that are important to our gardens and can stay in the plants and later harm other wildlife. BUGS DO THE JOB "We've been taught that bugs are bad," he continued. "But bugs are like third-graders. There's always one kid acting up, and then everyone in class has to stay after school. Most bugs are good and do their jobs. The vast majority are neutral or beneficial." Diboll also noted that "the number one food of baby birds is insects....When baby birds are in their nests their mothers and fathers are feeding them larva, and if you are spraying your plants and killing your insect population, there's no food for these birds." Once you've tossed your chemicals, the next step is to plant flowers that attract wildlife. There are many great-looking options to choose from for any type of garden. Fons said that in many cases, butterflies, birds and bees tend to like the same plants: those that are "open, flat, cupped or tubular, rather than flowers with big pompons, so they can get to the nectar. "One of my favorite plants for migrating butterflies, bees and hummingbirds would be the butterfly bush," Fons said. "Usually the blue, purple or red-flowered ones are most attractive to the insects....They grow very fast and bloom all summer and into late fall." Tannis Woodman, who works with customers at Song Sparrow Farm in Avalon, said that because prairies attract wildlife, gardeners can also plant prairie flowers. Good choices would include black-eyed Susans, daisies, grasses and coneflowers. Dan Heims, president of Terra Nova Nurseries Inc., a breeding company in Canby, Oregon, said one of his favorite plants is kniphofia (red hot poker) — a late-summer-to-frost blooming plant that attracts butterflies, birds and bees. Gardeners should also check out some of the newer plant varieties available today, he said. "They provide a nice look for the homeowners, but they're also good for wildlife," he said, "because many of them bloom much longer throughout the growing season." Heims, whose firm deals primarily in perennials, said good plants for attracting bees include sunflowers, daisies, coreopsis and echinacea. "Bumblebees just adore echinacea," he said. "And sedum is an important source of nectar for them because it blooms so late in the season." ATTRACTIVE PLANTINGS For attracting bees and hummingbirds, Heims suggests pulmonaria, a member of the borage family, and penstemon. "They like pulmonaria because it's the first source of significant nectar for them in spring." For butterflies, Woodman said, her favorite plant is yarrow. "There's native yarrow, and we sell hybrids," she said. "Both will attract butterflies. We're offering a lot of reds and pinks now, too. You can plant a lot of the hybrid yarrow plants, and they'll make your yard look attractive and colorful." Coneflowers, phlox, astilbe, baptisia, coreopsis, viburnum shrubs and weigela are also good for butterflies, Woodman added. MAKE ROOM FOR MILKWEED But for monarchs, Fons said, only members of the milkweed family will do. "Milkweed is their only source for reproduction," she said. "You need to have a place for the caterpillars to grow and turn into butterflies and give them the food they need. For monarchs, Fons said, "I love the butterfly weed. It's a perennial milkweed. It's short, about 12 to 18 inches....It has sprays of bright orange flowers and is fragrant when in bloom." It also spreads less than the native milkweed plants. Diboll said he favors red milkweed, which is also called swamp or marsh milkweed. "It's a preferred food source for caterpillars," he said. "Also Sullivant's milkweed, which is a lavender-pink color and is similar to common milkweed but not as invasive, and it has slightly larger flowers. Monarchs love it at all stages." To attract swallowtail butterflies, Fons suggests planting parsley, dill, fennel and Queen Anne's lace. "In your garden, you'll see caterpillars on these plants," she said. "They're swallowtail butterflies. They won't kill the plants. Your parsley will keep growing. You can even plant a little extra for them. It's their host plant." THE WORD ON DRAWING BIRDS To lure birds to your yard, Fons advises gardeners to plant native perennials and to let them stand throughout winter. "The things you leave up over winter that have seeds attract the chickadees and goldfinches," she said. Some good choices include grasses with seeds, echinacea, flowering crab trees and viburnum. "Also serviceberry. It attracts a multitude of birds such as cardinals, robins and cedar waxwings," she said. Woodman added that hummingbirds are attracted to tubular-shaped flowers such as foxglove and columbine. "I have a lot of them in my yard," she said. "They also like monarda and lobelia. I live in Beloit, and my yard is pretty natural and in a wooded area. That helps, but they will go to anyone's yard" with the right flowers, she added. LEAVE SOME MUD Flowers are, of course, essential. But it's also important to set out bird houses, feeders and bird baths for our feathered friends, as well as a bit of mud for butterflies and bees, said Fons, who helps maintain the butterfly habitat in the children's area at the Milwaukee County Zoo. "At the zoo, we have a little patch of mud," she said. "They use that as a digestive tool....You can keep a little saucer in your garden. Keep it damp, but not sitting in water." Mason bees, a wild native bee, like mud, too, and use it to build their nests in shrubs in natural areas, Fons said. "There are also little mason bee houses you can buy for them to build their nests." MORE RESOURCES Mud or sand for butterflies: The National Wildlife Federation gives this tip to attract butterflies: "Butterflies often congregate on wet sand and mud to partake in 'puddling,' drinking water and extracting minerals from damp puddles. Place coarse sand in a shallow pan, then insert the pan in the soil of your habitat. Make sure to keep the sand moist." Mason bee houses: You can buy them, but you also can build your own with information from the National Wildlife Federation. Prairie Nursery: Has preplanned gardens for butterflies, songbirds and hummingbirds. The nursery has also recently added a predesigned monarch butterfly garden to its website or (800) 476-9453. Klehm's Song Sparrow Farm: (800) 553-3715 Terra Nova Nurseries Inc.: (800) 215-9450 Create a certified wildlife habitat: By providing food, water, cover and places for wildlife to raise their young, your garden can join the more than 150,000 certified wildlife habitat sites across the country in a program through the National Wildlife Federation. See ABOUT JOANNE KEMPINGER DEMSKI Joanne Kempinger Demski is a freelance writer who covers home, garden and food, and writes the weekly You Asked For It feature. 414-224-2181 6 COMMENTS » Read and share your thoughts on this story. Login | Create account Please login to post a comment. Refreshing comments... 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