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what to sow and grow in january
What to do sow and grow in January
Find out what to plant in January with our seasonal list of flowers, fruit, vegetables and seeds. These can be ordered now for sowing, growing and harvesting over the coming months!
Flowers to sow and grow
In the greenhouse/ indoors
Antirrhinum needs a long growth period before flowering so sow in a propagator now for good results.
Laurentia make fantastic container plants
Laurentia make fantastic container plants
Sow Begonia, Geranium (Pelargonium) and Dianthus (Carnations/Pinks) indoors now as they are slow to flower from seed.
Laurentia (Isotoma) make fantastic container plants for the summer.
Try growing your own Lobelia for bedding, containers and hanging baskets.
Pansies can be started off indoors now, for a colourful summer display.
Sweet Peas can be started in gentle heat now.
Try growing something exotic to lift winter blues - why not grow the Bird of Paradise plant (Strelitzia reginae) from seed?
Fruit & Vegetables to sow and grow
In the greenhouse/ indoors
Start sowing celery now in a heated propagator
Start sowing celery now in a heated propagator
For the show bench, start sowing Celeriac and Celery now in a heated propagator.
Herbs are easy to grow on your windowsill and provide fresh greens all year round.
Sow exhibition onion seeds to give the bulbs time to grow as big as possible. Use varieties such as Bunton's Showstopper and Ailsa Craig.
Order rhubarb crowns now ready for planting in the spring. Or if you'd like to grow your own rhubarb from seed, start them off now in a heated propagator.
Salad leaves and spinach can be grown on a bright windowsill indoors for tasty early greens.
Start chitting (sprouting) first early potatoes on a windowsill indoors.
Grow strawberry plants undercover now to get an early summer crop
Grow strawberry plants undercover now to get an early summer crop
In the cold frame/ under cloches
Try growing strawberry plants under cover to get an early crop this summer.
Direct sow outdoors
Sow hardy Broad Bean 'Aquadulce Claudia' outdoors (if the ground isn't frozen).
Plant outdoors
It's suprisingly easy to grow your own mushrooms - try gorwing a mushroom log in your garden or alternatively grow some indoors using mushroom kits.
What to do in the garden archive
Back to 'In the Garden this Month'
What to sow and grow in January
What to sow and grow in February
What to sow and grow in March
What to sow and grow in April
What to sow and grow in May
What to sow and grow in June
What to sow and grow in July
What to sow and grow in August
What to sow and grow in September
What to sow and grow in October
What to sow and grow in November
What to sow and grow in December
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