Home » Home and Family » Gardening Join Sign in EzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original Articles Custom Search Search Peter Van Smith Basic PLUS Author | 31 Articles Joined: March 1, 2015 United States Coontail - Mechanical and Chemical Control Options By Peter Van Smith | Submitted On April 28, 2017 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Identifying Coontail is relatively easy, it is like any submerged aquatic plant differentiated by "raccoon tail" band of leaves at the bottom of the main branch. It has lean stems and hard leaves. This plant is often sold for decorating aquariums and is also known as hornwort. This plant spreads exponentially in ponds, after aquariums are deserted into water bodies. Now let's talk about its control mechanisms. The plant as we have mentioned earlier, grows by leaps and bounds in the pond water without the much-needed nutrition. MECHANICAL CONTROL There are typically two ways of controlling Coontail or Coontail Moss, it can be done via manual control mechanism or by chemical control options, Manual option of removal includes cutting and raking from within the pond. The plant's tendency is such that it can regrow from the remaining roots or spill over seeds. Another option is to use pond Dye which is usually used to restrict sunlight from entering directly inside the pond. The reason of controlling sunlight being that the photosynthesis will not occur and hence the growth will also be shunned. CHEMICAL CONTROL Use of herbicides and chemicals is yet another effective medium to curb the growth of Coontail or hornwort. Read some of these tips to control the growth of Coontail: Use of a seasoned herbicide like Aquacide Pellets will curb the growth of Coontail and other common pond weeds that can be troublesome. 1. Use a comprehensive contact herbicide, that can instantly kill Coontail. Also, it's important to note that one may have to repeat procedure of the treatment as it does not stay in the water body. Hence, multiple application is a must. 2. Another effective herbicide is Clipper, it actions fast and controls rough hostile and nuisance plants. CHEMICAL APPLICATION FOR BEST RESULTS Before applying chemicals, one must follow certain set rules for the treatment of weeds and algae. • Divide your pond in sections and treat it one at a time. First apply herbicides in half of the pond's bottom and then in the second half of the pond area. During hot and humid temperature, and while treating substantial growth of plants, remember to treat only ¼ of the pond at a time and wait until 15 days before reapplying it. This helps in reducing the risk of fish loss during extreme humid and hot weather conditions or while treating the heavy growth of plants. • You will notice that the weeds have changed their colour to brown and once they die, pull these plants with the help of a weed cutter & rake and remove as much dead material as possible. This process will help prevent build-up of dead plant stock and muck. • Think proactively and keep the muck at bay- Include chemicals which can make your pond look great at all times. These are some of the tips to reduce Coontail or curb its growth. Chemicals controls are the easiest and most effective methods of prevention. In case you need more information, you can call us and our representative will come at your doorstep to give you right guidelines of effectively managing it. Coontail is a free floating plant and becomes a problem if it becomes too thick.It's a pond weed that can be controlled with a little effort. A seasoned herbicide like Aquacide Pellets will curb the growth of Coontail and other common pond weeds. Visit to know more. Article Source: 0 Comments | Leave a Comment Did you find this article helpful? Happy Face0 Sad Face0 Viewed 0 time Word count: 517 Article Tools EzinePublisher Report this article Cite this article Stay Informed Subscribe to New Article Alerts: Home and Family: Gardening Peter Van Smith Email Address Subscribe We will never sell or rent your email address. Gardening Article Feed Gardening Article Feed
