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Jack Hudson
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Tips and Suggestions To Help You Plan and Build Your Own Log Home
By Jack Hudson | Submitted On March 09, 2005
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Log Cabin Homes: They have come a long way. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you plan and build your own. Plus be sure to consider the floor plans and not overlook anything.
Typically, log cabin homes are small structures that have little or no wasted space and are built from all natural materials. However, new trends have surfaced, making log cabin homes appear as luxurious, rustic, and cozy houses. At the same time, many of these luxury log cabin homes still use all natural materials, but there are new building techniques and systems used for drying the logs effectively at proper rates.
Log cabin homes are useful for you as a main house or as a vacation home. In fact, any design and style can be created with log cabin homes. No matter what design you decide upon, log cabin homes will surround you in nature always have a comfortable yet rough feel.
Maintenance problems from log homes are often unavoidable. However, new knowledge and technology can help prevent many of the problems from happening. Many of the new techniques can also stop some maintenance problems from happening, and if they do occur, they will not be as extreme.
Well built log cabin homes will have regular maintenance needs to ensure that it will last a long time. However, no major problems should arise for several years. If you DO have a log cabin home built unprofessionally, it suggests that proper building techniques may not be used and problems with logs cracking or seeping sap may occur. These things can be fixed, but it is far better to do your research early on and have a log cabin home built by a credible manufacturer.
If you are considering building a log cabin, make sure to follow instructions carefully..
Several online resources have guidelines on how to build a log cabin, mostly for small cabin layouts. If you are interested in learning how to build a log cabin, search these sites to get a general knowledge of basic cabin building. You need to first research and learn about the essential materials and preparations. If you are a beginner, start small and learn through trial and error.
The tips on how to build a log cabin suggest that you find a location first, then begin creating a design and decide on the size. Once this is accomplished, find out the length and width at the site and clear the area. The rules for laying a foundation differ depending on the type, and you may not want or need a foundation for a small cabin.
Start stacking logs by laying two logs lengthwise and parallel to each other, with the desired width between them. Cut notches in two other logs, one foot away from the ends. The notches should fit around and lay perpendicular to the two base logs. Continue stacking the logs this way, alternating the notches. Once the door height is reached, cut out the doors and windows.
Choosing from various Log Cabin Floor Plans
While log cabin floor plans are traditionally small, cosy, homely, and economical homes, new trends have been developed in the last twenty years. It is now often found that the small log cabin floor plans built are mostly used for vacation houses or hunting and fishing lodges. Log cabin floor plans always broadcast a comfortable, relaxing, and rustic aura.
Modern trends have combined these characteristics with elegance in the large, luxurious log cabin floor plans built.
When you choose to build with materials used on traditional houses, such as ranch style or cape cod homes, you are sometimes limited to the designs you can create. With log cabin floor plans you have an endless selection of styles and designs to build. Manufacturers that sell log cabin building materials suggest to find a builder who is knowledgeable about log homes. This way you are sure to get a log cabin floor plan built properly and sturdy. Be sure to only use logs that have been dried correctly in order to avoid later maintenance problems.
You can read more about log cabin designs at http://www.log-cabin-plans-n-kits.com/log_cabin_plans.htm
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Jack Hudson is a writer for [http://www.log-cabin-plans-n-kits.com] and [http://www.best-house-n-home-plans.com/]. These two sites work collectively as a resouce for the planning and building of log cabins as well as choosing from different house plans. Visit one of these sites for informative articles as well as free TIPS for building a log home or choosing a house plan.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jack_Hudson/25867
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